Software demonstration webinars
6 March 2012
Due to the success of our last event, we are holding a series of free workshops (webinars) to demonstrate our BluePrint, VantagePoint, EngineRoom and energyPRO tools. Join us to see how both tools work and what they can do for your company.
To register your interest for future webinars email
energyPRO, a software package from EMD International, is designed for combined techno-economic analysis and optimisation of both cogeneration and trigeneration projects as well as other types of complex energy projects with a combined supply of electricity and thermal energy (steam, hot water or cooling) from multiple different energy producing units. Read more here.
EngineRoom is for use by anyone regularly doing CHP and local energy network feasibility studies for planning applications for single buildings to large developments; such as developers, energy consultants, building services experts, M&E consultants or local authority technical officers. This software is simple and quick to use whilst giving detailed results. Find out more here.
VantagePoint can be used by the local authority or by Carbon Descent to create a carbon reduction strategy. It can also be used in a workshop setting by members, officers or community groups. A range of scenarios made up of energy generation, behaviour change, infrastructure and policy measures can quickly be generated and compared. more information can be found here.
BluePrint has been designed to automate and streamline the energy audit process with significant savings on the assessor's time on data collection, analysis and reporting, against a conventional paper based auditing approach. For more information click here.
The next webinars are:
energyPRO and EngineRoom - Wed 2nd May 2012 10:30-11:30 am
Reserve your seat now at:
VantagePoint - Wed 2nd May 2012, 2:30-3:30pm
Reserve your seat now at
BluePrint - Thurs 3rd May, 10:30-12:00pm
Reserve your seat now at
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.