Low Carbon Communities: Partnering Design and Engagement Conference. Wednesday 13th July 2011
13 June 2011
Conference agenda and registration details
The presentations from the conference can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.
Emma Strain, LGA
London's low carbon projects: The role of communities
Steve Ives, DECC
The role of Local Authorities within the Green Deal Framework
Jon Lissimore, London Borough of Lambeth
Ethelred Tower Blocks Low Carbon Refurbishment - Challendes and Successes
Rudy Rooth, KEMA
Monitoring energy and carbon savings is cruicial - Why?
Will Dawson, Forum for the Future
Finance and funding for local authorities and community groups implementing large scale retrofit and renewable energy projects
Phil Webber, Kirklees Council
Case Study: The economic and health impacts of the Kirklees Warm Zone
Harriet Kingaby, Futerra
If a tree falls in the forest...The importance of engagement
Chris Dunham, Carbon Descent
Results from energy monitoring and community engagement work at the Ethelred Estate
Presentations accompanying the debate, Zero Carbon Homes under any definition will not be affordable:
Ant Wilson, AECOM
Paddy Conaghan, Consultant to Hoare Lea
Mike Page, University of Hertfordshire