Chris Dunham
Managing Director
Chris Dunham is the owner and manager of Carbon Descent.
With qualifications in both engineering and architecture and over 18 years experience in the field, he has an excellent understanding of the range of solutions open to communities and organisations to reduce their carbon reduction emissions. He has been project director for the last 6 years for London Community within the EU Concerto funded Ecostiler project.
He also has detailed knowledge of policy having recently undertaken an analysis of the government’s Low Carbon Transition Plan and its projected carbon impacts. He is internationally recognised in the field having recently provided advice to the Brazilian Government on the development of their National Energy Efficiency Plan. Chris has provided expert witness evidence to the London Assembly on a number of occasions and recently joined the UK government Department of Energy and Climate Change expert panel for the development of Local Carbon Frameworks. He regularly provides training for both the Energy Saving Trust and regional and local government on designing, implementing and monitoring carbon reduction programmes.
- Providing consultancy on renewable technologies, CHP and energy efficiency to a range of business and government clients,
- Management of projects and public consultations,
- Producing feasibility studies, strategies and contributions to local and regional government reports,
- Providing expert witness evidence to the London Assembly.
- Software Development- providing strategic input into the development of the software and in the case of EngineRoom developed some of the software code.
- energyPRO training - providing training and technical support to licence holders in the UK.
Recent projects
- Brazil Energy Efficiency Policy Development – presented the results of the work to the Brazilian Government’s Energy Planning Agency and the state controlled electricity company Eletrobras and ran a workshop session to bring out possible recommendations.
- EU Concerto funded ECOSTILER - local project co-ordinator for most of the 6 year contract period. Responsible for the major redesign of the project and renegotiation.
- DECC/EST Local Carbon Frameworks Analysis - expert on the DECC panel and authored most of our contributions to the report.
- Regional Vantage Point Software and Training Commissions – delivering training and project managing the overall work.
- London Borough of Islington Heat Mapping & CHP analysis - delivered the project in its entirety, conducting the modelling using our EngineRoom CHP software, conducting plant room surveys and presenting the results to senior staff at LB Islington.
- NHER Assessor
- BEng in Electronic and Electrical Engineering
- MSc in Architecture: Advanced Environmental and Energy Studies
- MSc in Energy Engineering
- Associate Member of Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers and Institute of Energy